Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Is the Past Just in the Past?

Hey everyone, I apologize for the lapse in posting, but I've been really, really lazy as of late and haven't gotten around to writing up one of my ranting opinion pieces. However, here is one again!

Today I want to talk about a concept that has been plaguing me off and on for a while now. What I refer to is illogical dwelling on the past. What I mean here is when a person things about events in their past or those of people close to them and gets upset for some unknown reason.

First of all, I feel as if these feelings are absurd. I've thought about things in my past that have no bearing on the present, but for some reason I make them. By getting upset about these generally unfortunate events, I cause them to affect my present. Why? I have no clue. Out of nowhere I remember an event and I get sick to my stomach thinking about it. Why the hell should a break up in my past or a bad grade from 3 years ago upset me so much? That's mostly what I want to know from you, the reader. Do any of you every enter into a similar state when useless quarrels manifest themselves into anguish in your present? If so, how does one solve this problem?

Another strange thing that can cause me strife (I know maybe “strife” is a bit too extreme, but it fits) is the past of others. Why should the though of any girl I like' past relationships bother me? Again, it makes almost NO SENSE to be anguished by the thought of someone I have feelings for every having had a relationship with someone else. Again, I ask why. Why the heck does that bother me so? I don't know you tell me.

Why should a friend's past medical history worry me, even when they've been cured for years and there is no chance of a relapse? Why does the thought of my grandparents being divorced still bother me? Its an event that happened before I was born and I grew up with: I have accepted it as a fact of life. It gets to be a real problem in life when the past worries you more than the future.

Despite all the questions I may have and the answers I may be seeking, I think I may have learned something. The past is done with, its never coming back and we need to accept it. I've had break ups, and so have most of the people I've taken interest true. I've gotten poor grades, but those are behind me in the distance. My friends are healthy and my grandparents are still divorced. Only when you can wholly accept them and not be worried by them can you truly move on and embrace the future.

Sadly, for some reason unbeknown to me I'm still hindered by my past and the thoughts of the pasts of others. With a little help from my friends I think I can overcome these obstacles. Question is, are you all willing to help?

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