Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Craziness of Pants

Hey all, I'm gonna be kind this time and keep the blog short. Well, as short as I could actually make a blog. As you can infer from the title, this article will discuss how ridiculous it is that our society makes it so pants are the only acceptable lower-body clothing for men.

It make you wonder whose idea this was. It has only been in the last about 500-600 years of human history that men have worn pants. Why? I'm not really sure. What I do know, however is that it doesn't make sense. Pants are restricting to male anatomy. Yes, you can figure this one out for yourself. They are, how do you say....restricting. They are significantly less comfortable for men than other more "free garments."

Now, there are various other garments a man could wear that are less restricting and MUCH more comfortable. The first one that comes to my mind is the kilt. Yes, that fantastic Scottish garment. Those 8 yards of pleated material make for a very comfortable wear for any true man. The kilt has a capacity for modesty, yet maintains maximum comfort at all times. Just ask any man who wears a kilt and he'll tell you about how fantastic they are. They only reason he may not wear it all the time is because of the ridicule associated with wearing a "skirt" all the time.

Speaking of skirts, guys might as well wear long peasant skirts as well. Again, they are very conducive to male anatomy, and at the same time will provide men with warmth even in the winter months.

So, I challenge men to adopt one of theses practices. Free yourself of pants and trousers and slip into something with a bit more comfort. Wear a kilt, and if you can't get one, go to your local store and purchase a nice long skirt. You'll probably get made fun of...that's a given. But, when you stop caring what other people think, it will improve your self confidence significantly.

The only way to eliminate pants is to stop wearing them. Don't wait until others start then hop on the bandwagon. JUST DO IT! Trust me, if you are confident in yourself, and are seeking comfort, you will be fine wearing any type of skirt.

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